Upcoming Network Conference 2023

The next conference of the Jewish Franconian Network will take place on Sunday, November 12th, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in The Jewish Museum Franconia in Fürth (Königstraße 89)



Past Conference in Reckendorf

Haus der Kulturen - Ehemalige Synagoge ReckendorfOn May 9, 2011, around 30 participants from Jewish museums and synagogue memorials from Franconia met in the former synagogue in Reckendorf for the annual conference of the “Network Jewish Franconia”. It was the third conference since the network was founded in 2009, which met for the first time in Upper Franconia. Mayor Klaus Etterer welcomed the participants in the Reckendorf House of Cultures, the former synagogue.